Friday, December 7, 2007

Silver-Eyed Lion King and Number Forty Seven

Clare and Rigardo? Rigardo and Clare? I’ve been reminiscing on the 21st Claymore episode where Rigardo, a.k.a. The Silver-Eyed Lion King made his appearance.

My first impression of him was an emotionless, strong, smart and a very good looking guy (Just don’t let him transform, heehee) and someone who can become ehem, The number forty seven in the organization, Clare’s lover (he’s got potential!).

They have some things in common. Like for instance, they’re both good looking. They’ve been Claymores—Rigardo was once, before he turned into an awakened being and Clare also WAS a Claymore, before she decided to quit the “organization” on the last episode of season one (I believe there’s going to be a second season, hopefully).

They also have differences, like their attitudes and characteristics. Clare’s usually driven by her emotions, which could make her do reckless (and amazing) things. Rigardo on the other hand is more composed and analyzes the situation before making a move, although, he let loose on the later parts of his fight with Clare

Their similarities and differences when summed up would make the two of them a good pair. There aren’t any hints about a particular “love issue” between the both of them (my imagination’s been making up things though) but IF ONLY there was a little tweak in the story, like perhaps IF Rigardo did not die then he COULD HAVE realized Easley’s way of doing things are bad then he WOULD HAVE parted with his group and wander around. Then, he COULD HAVE met Clare along the way and he could tell her his story and they would travel together, learn to like and appreciate each other, realize their feelings towards each other and decide to get married!! (haha! Gomen, imagination taking over)

Too bad, it’s impossible though, since he’s an awakened being (Who loves to eat human guts) and he’s also already dead, killed by the one person I’d love him to get together with. (or IF there was a tiny winy – little – bit of chance he’s alive (if only, although it was clear that he was killed by Clare, but IF a large IF) then it could continue on the second season (Gomen, imagination taking over again).

Ah, lovely lovely anime Claymore is!! (second season please come out or announce your existence soon *whispers into the air*)


... said...

You're right when you said they're good looking but i don't think they deserve each other... Clare is for Raki..ok? and rigardo? HE'S MINE! hahaha

Pipan P said...

LOL!! If that's the case, then I'll take Rigardo :D and Easley :D But, it's just a suggestion, I just think they look cute together that's all :D