IT IS worth waiting.
Actually, from the opening theme, with the words “Heartbreaking Romance… lalala *humming tune*” I thought it’s going to have a sad ending, but I’m very very very delighted that it ends well (the first season that is). There are a lot of lovely scenes that shows just how much Alzeid cares for Rahzel. ^__^
Let’s elaborate the beautiful events shall we? (I always love elaborating these types of things… KYAAAAA!!) All righty… First, on the first parts—skip the guy with the red hair, I’m quite sure we’ll get to find out more about him WHEN the second season comes (Please please please come second season dearest). Ok, first, on Rahzel’s birthday celebration. It’s already known that Alzeid’s not the type of person who fancies celebrations or special occasions. I reckon he doesn’t care one bit about things like those, but BUT BUT… When they were celebrating Rahzel’s birthday (which he had no clue on at first by the way), he was very very curious and he took the effort to ask them what the occasion was. He even had a hard time comprehending what they were saying. Like at first, he asked what the occasion is, and then Rahzel’s dad answered, a birthday, and then Alzeid asked whose birthday it was, and then Heat replied “Rahzel-chan’s” and then Alzeid asked again, WHEN, and then they answered that it was today, and then HE BLUSHED!!! KYAAAA so cute! He said he didn’t know that it was her birthday, then Rahzel told him it was because he didn’t ask. And then after, Rahzel and Heat were talking about him, something like “it’s hard to relate Al with presents” and “It’s even dicey he knows about birthdays” He then told them that he’ll overcome that trial and will get Rahzel a birthday present. He is so cute! Like a little kid. :D I know by a hundred percent he wouldn’t do that sort of stuff to other people, just to Rahzel, because because because… heeeheee, we all know he likes her KYAAAA!!
It’s also evident that Rahzel’s dad, Seratildo, who happens to be Heat’s older brother doesn’t like Alzeid so much, I mean, just checking on the way he talks to him, it’s waaaaay obvious that he hates him. Possible reason? He knows that he (Alzeid) likes his daughter and that his daughter likes him back. I suppose it was the main reason why he wanted Alzeid to come with Solesta so he wouldn’t bother Rahzel or in other words, the two wouldn’t fall in love or the two (Rahzel and Alzeid) wouldn’t realize just how much they like/love each other. It’s probably what he meant by ‘his selfishness’ he doesn’t want another man to take his daughter away from him.
We can also see in Alzeid’s face that the thought of Rahzel leaving pains him. He was looking quite down and he HATES Rahzel’s dad. He’s definitely not the type of person who sucks up to those people dear to the one he loves. As a matter of fact, he considers Seratildo a rival, and that’s most likely the main reason why he despises the man so much. Haha, this isn’t something we see everyday. Most of the time the guy would try to get close to the girl’s father so they’d favor them, but Alzeid is just not the type of guy. It makes you adore him more, he is sooooo CUTE! Well, it turns out that the two guys feels the same way, Seratildo sees Alzeid as a rival and Alzeid thinks of him that way too. I just can’t wait to see how the two would acknowledge each other when Alzeid and Rahzel gets married and her father would find ways to annoy Alzeid. That’ll be entertaining, I’m sure.
One of the cutest parts of the tenth episode (Personal Opinion) is when Alzeid was picking a gift for Rahzel. Inside the store, he told the shop keeper something like “On the honor of my pride, I have to choose the most amazing present” His pride according to my interpretation would be being the number one in Rahzel’s heart. I’ve already mentioned that I think, he sees Seratildo as a rival and I suppose he also sees Heat as one, so since the two other guys already bought Rahzel presents, he wants to beat them up in the present thingy, to be number one in Rahzel’s heart (haha, gomen, messy I know… but just please understand what I’m trying to express). Also, wh
en asked by the shopkeeper on what type of gift he’d like to find, he answered “Something Breathtaking” along with the proud, handsome and adorable look on his face. He most definitely wants to swipe Rahzel off her feet. KYAAAAAA!! (Ok, please excuse my KYAAA’s I cannot stop myself when it comes to stuffs like these) PLUS he said something like “Something that, whenever she looks at it, even if we are apart, will make her remember me” KYAAAAAAAAAAA!! *fans myself* Just how sweet is that!? It’s not too mushy, but it’s very very sweet, I just LOVE Alzeid! I mean seriously, he took the effort and I mean great effort of finding a perfect gift for Rahzel-chan, he even interrogated the other customer who entered which was actually Rahzel’s real father, the one who abandoned her, but he didn’t know that. Anyways, he took great measures to find the most amazing present for our heroine and that means a lot, especially to a guy like Alzeid who is branded cold and unfeeling (apparently, that description doesn’t apply when it comes to Rahzel). Oh yeah, one funny scene was when he asked the shopkeeper
if the sheep (alive and moving) was for sale, and then the shopkeeper told him that it is the other shop’s billboard sheep Seratilko. And Alzeid commented that the sheep has an annoying name. Why? Because it’s close to Rahzel’s father’s name Seratildo. He is so cute. :D
Well, what happened was, he realized that HE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT RAHZEL and he ends up running as fast as he could. He chased the train which Rahzel boarded, and Rahzel, while inside the running train, felt that Alzeid was chasing her went to the back of the train (I don’t know the proper term to use for that particular area) and Alzeid gave one of the most beautiful speeches ever! Haha I know it pretty much sounded selfish, saying stuffs like he wouldn’t let anyone who isn’t beside him to reside in his heart thingy. But we all know what that means… the translation: “I don’t want you to leave me” or “Don’t leave me”. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *fans myself once more* And then, it shows up! One of the best scenes in the anime and probably one of the best un-cheesy much boy and girl runs towards one another scenes. Rahzel jumps off the train, scolding Alzeid and Alzeid saying “Idiot!” or “Baka!” because the girl just jumps off. It was because he’s worried, the last thing he wants is having her hurt! :D And then, he moves to catch her… HAHA!!! KYAAAAAA!! They had another short talk after and then Rahzel’s dad shows up. Alzeid then tells Rahzel that for his present, he will give her another chance and told her to stand up
against her father. HAHA!! I just love him. And then Rahzel tells him that she’ll accept the challenge, and poses the same pose she did on the first episode, the gun stuff.
So I suppose it’s safe to assume that Rahzel’s going to continue the adventure with Alzeid and Heat. She’ll probably ask for her father’s permission. Her father seems stubborn so it might take some effort, but I think he’d allow her to go with the two guys. He loves his daughter after all. As for the guy with red hair, I suppose he can also use magic. Probably someone Rahzel knew before, perhaps a close friend or a rival, or both. With the flow of the series, it isn’t impossible for unique friendships like those. Anyways, I think there’ll be another season of Hatenkou Yugi (I hope there’ll be another season) because, the tenth episode left us hanging, and there is this new character introduced. But as I’ve said, there isn’t any news regarding the matter, but I do hope there’ll be a second season. Please oh please let there be a second season… :D
Hatenkou Yugi is totally going to be on my all time faves list. Definitely an anime that’s worth watching, haha! I’ve seen it twice, and it’s really very nice. :D
Second season please come…. :D
it only has 10 episodes? i've only watched episode 1. but its good to know that its short. i prefer watching short animes. ^__^
KYAAA!!! one of my fave romantic/comedy series..^__^ LOL!! Praying for a second season though.. RhazelxAlzeid for best couple of the series!! haha.. great post!!^__^
so you are anime fun yah. good especially you love comic
hi pipan! yeah. long time no hear. i haven't been posting anything in my J-drama blog. i haven't been watching any these days. been busy with work and a lot of things. i liked the ending of maou. i can't remember the ending very clearly and i don't want to give you spoilers but it was a sad ending for Naruse. :(
One of the good things about anime programs is, they usually present a little bit of mystery to the viewers. This characteristic makes viewers wonder if there's following season or chapter for that program . Most anime programs also have great twists in their stories.
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